How Just Aneissa Operates
The Just Aneissa Blog has been up + running for about three months now, and its the most entertaining creative outlet I've ever used. It allows me to speak my mind, try new things, and live my best life. Now that I have officially settled into a routine, I wanted to share a little behind the scenes look at how the blog functions.
Just Aneissa Blog posts happen every weekday, and the schedule is as follows:
Monday: About Me
Tuesday: Devotion
Wednesday: In The Kitchen
Thursday: Rejuvenation
Friday: Never Have I Ever
So there are five brand new posts a week! Saturday is my opportunity to relax and write original content. That is when I take the time to think about Monday through Friday and what I want to share. I make a note on my iPhone with some options. By the end of the day, I've filtered them out with each post for the week. On Sundays I try not to do anything related to the blog, if I know I have a busy week ahead of me, I do some writing + photography in the evening. Each post is prepared before the actual post date, and each article is scheduled to share at 9:00 am.
About Me:
My About Me content is simple. My topics cover anything that is about me. My interests, likes, dislikes, and books I'm currently reading are all featured here. This tab helps me get my priorities in order, and if there's anything personal I want to share, I post it on Monday.
Devotionals are the most vulnerable aspect of the JA blog. I try not to cross theological swords with anyone, so I heavily rely on scripture or my own opinion. (Which anyone can disagree with, I'm more than open to new concepts and educated opinions concerning The Word) I'm not a preacher by any means, but when I dive into subjects to get more information I do want to share them. I have been told on more than one occasion my devotionals have been uplifting and that's all I'm trying to do here on the Just Aneissa Blog.
In The Kitchen:
So this time last year, I only had one recipe, iced water. The In The Kitchen segment allows me to become more well-rounded as a domestic goddess. The majority of my recipes come from Buzzfeed Tasty, and they are tweaked according to ingredients I like or dislike. In The Kitchen (ITK) helps me to become familiar with ingredients and herbs. It also creates an online cookbook for me to refer back to!
Overall wellness and taking care of the skin you are in is such a priority to me. There are so many organic DIY hacks and whole body rejuvenation tips out there it is crazy! I want to try anything that's beneficial to glowing skin and a healthy bod. I try it first, and I'll always report back to you.
You’ve Been Washing Your Face Wrong
Never Have I Ever:
NHIE is probably my favorite of the five. It's so much fun because it is all about trying new things, traveling to new places, and having new experiences. NHIE is exceptionally versatile, and I'm able to meet so many new people because of it. Like a tiny little bucket list where I document my experiences.
I promote all my blog posts on Instagram, and my content is shared on my Pinterest page as well. I hope you are having fun reading these posts because I'm having a ton of fun creating them! My life is more fulfilled due to these new concepts. The Just Aneissa Blog is full of positive energy I hope you always leave this website with a fresh outlook... but always come back to read more.