Five Ways To Have A Better Week
A good week is predicated by good days. Good days begin with the right mindset. When you start developing an attitude of gratitude for every single day, that is when you can put your best self forward. Mondays do not feel so heavy, and you do not have to stare at the clock waiting for Friday afternoon to arrive!
Face the facts
Here is the sobering reality: Some people did not wake up at all today. In fact, according to a study done in March 2018 by the Index Mundi, one person dies every twelve seconds in the United States. A week full of Mondays sounds like a phenomenal idea compared to the alternative. Every day you have the opportunity to open your eyes, and breathe is a great day. This reality should alleviate some of your thoughts the next time you want to groan about an upcoming Monday morning.
Set goals
If lists are your thing, by all means, sit down and lose yourself in an A through Z of tasks you want to accomplish this week. If your brain works in smaller strides, take some time out of your day and set at least three goals for the week. Something completely obtainable that will work as a stepping stone to see results.
Smedia is the best procrastination tool on the planet. Trading your current moments for someone else's past moments should only be done for a certain amount of time. Block out some of your precious time, especially on the weekends! No screens, no technology, something productive. You won't feel that dreaded Sunday night anxiety when you know you have adequately prepared for the week ahead.
Treat Yo Self!
Treat Yo Self
Selfcare queen here, letting you know there are tons of cheap ways to have a great week. Pick a day to make time for something you love. Painting, jogging, lunch with a friend. When you have something to look forward to it helps to prepare and work towards being the best version of yourself.
Pay it Forward
Once a week, try to help someone out. The absolute smallest tasks not only make you feel better, but they will obviously bring a smile to someone's face! Paying for the person in the Starbucks line behind you, letting someone move in front of you in the Target line, an extra-large brunch tip every once in a while will help you see the beauty in enjoying life with others around you.