Three Tips To Simplify Your Life
The slightest adjustments can completely transform your daily routine. You do not have to intricately plan every minute of your schedule, once you develop a priority-based mindset, you can thrive. Simplifying your life is a snowball effect. Once you develop the need for change, it will only get more comfortable as each decision passes. Here are three tips to help you focus in + cut down on unnecessary complications.
Establish a baseline
What kind of person are you? Have you figured it out yet? Your personality, your fashion sense, and your thought process can all be brought into focus. If you have a minimalistic style, do not waste your time by shopping at Ruffle City, you know you won't care for anything there! Take a day to develop yourself. If you are a combination of things, do not be afraid to identify it. Positively label yourself; it can help you cut down on shopping, getting ready, even food!
My style defined: Classic with a little glitter on top.
Prioritize people
This concept is two-fold. To prioritize someone physically means whoever you are talking to in the present moment is the most important. If you are having a face-to-face interaction, make eye contact, empathize, be there in the moment! If you are on the phone, one text message at a time. Slow it down. To prioritize someone emotionally is to recognize the people who are truly for you. Everyone has best friends, differentiate your BFFs from your friends and acquaintances. Not everyone deserves the most out of you emotionally.
Be intentional
This theory is simple. With your finances, ask yourself, "Do I really need this?" With your time, "Is this an event I have to go to, or is there something else of more importance I should be doing?" The more you stop and think about your next step, the happier you will be at the end of each day. Sometimes killing two birds with one stone is not enough. Be intentional with your life in such a manner that you are actually proud of the day were just blessed with.