Top Ten Houston Coffee Spots
As you may know by now, caffeine is a significant part of my DNA. Since I live in Coffee Central, Texas, you should know I’ve had my fair share of java. Unfortunately sad, but true some coffee shops are better than others. I’m here to give you the breakdown of the top ten spots!
10. Starbucks Coffee
- Just kidding this is a chain-free list! The following list is compiled of small businesses with big, bold flavor.
10. The Blue Giraffe
- This jewel is hidden in the corner of Old Town Spring AKA the cutest little "town" on Earth. If you plan on living out your hipster dreams, here's the place to do it! There are numerous bookshelves with a wide range of literature and fun get-to-know-your-neighbor games like Scrabble and Uno. Not to mention every flavor of latte you could ever imagine. For example, my fave, the Almond Joy latte.
9. Coterie
- Mesmerizing chai tea latte. If you’re a big fan of the warm cinnamon flavor, Coterie has what you need! Actually, they have more than what you need because they have incredible brunch items on the menu as well. If you haven't had a chance to check out my Top Ten Houston Brunch Spots, do yourself a favor. Enjoy good food with your excellent coffee.
Best Houston Brunch Spots:
8. Cavo Coffee
- One thing, their Americanos can only beat the chill vibes + the aesthetically pleasing atmosphere. This potent drink will shoot you into turbo mode if you’re studying or you have errands to run. Hit up Cavo first, then cut your errand/chore time in half with this wonderful pick me up!
7. Boomtown Coffee
- Smack in the heart of downtown Houston. This quaint coffee shop is perfect for a quick coffee run or a snazzy first date. Whether you're on the go or you want to stay + study for a while Boomtown is the bomb-town.
6. AHH, Coffee
- The name says it all. My first time in this establishment, not going to lie, I was a tad bit overwhelmed by the options. So I walked right up to the barista and told her I wanted something hot, sweet, and strong just like me. (I do that often, you can really taste the love in a drink after you have made the barista laugh.) She brought me a delicious home run! An extra hot double caramel latte. It was superb. I highly recommend AHH. Also, there are cozy couches scattered throughout this space for comfortable little study groups.
5. Tout Suite
- I have officially discovered the honey cinnamon latte from TS, courtesy of my new barista friend JJ. I love the taste of cinnamon if you haven’t picked that up yet. This drink was a random blessing that just happened when I asked him to make me a drink of his choice. So if you go to Tout Suite, just ask for the “Aneissa.” First, they will just stare at you; then clarify you want a honey cinnamon latte. With your help, the name will catch on.
Honey Cinnamon feat. yummy macarons + loaded fries.
*drool emoji*
4. Siphon
- Stong coffee lovers only! I repeat, only indulge in Siphon coffee if you love kick-you-in-the throat java. The main attraction of Siphon is, of course, the vacuum coffee pot conveniently named The Siphon. If you're not sure how the vacuum coffee pot works, I'll give you a brief History lesson. The VCP was invented in 1830. Most VCPs are shaped like an hourglass, the bottom is filled with water + the top with dry coffee grounds. As the water heats up, vapor is pushed upward into the dry coffee, and it begins to turn into the good stuff we know and love. Once the water has entirely evaporated into the coffee grounds in the top globe, vacuum suction is created, and delicious coffee is siphoned to the bottom globe. It's science, and it's scrumptious.
3. Agora
- This Greek coffee shop is so delicious it will make you want to smash a plate over your head. Gourmet flavors brewed in every way. One sip of this and you will be transported to an open-air courtyard near the beach with nothing but the waves and the distant sound of the lyre in the background. You don't even need to pack a bag.
2. Southside Espresso
- Located in the Montrose area, Southside is the real deal. Strictly for coffee connoisseurs. Here they have a wide selection of fusion beans from some of the coffee capitals of the world like Kenya + Costa Rica. If you're up for another serious jitter juice vacation, head to Southside Espresso for some of the world's finest.
1. Catalina Coffee
- If I want excellent coffee, I’ll settle for list numbers two through nine. If I wish to consume mind-blowing, scrumptious, dazzling beans brewed from above, I go to Catalina. Hands down; I’m willing to fight for my opinion on this one physically. Every coffee option on the menu is absolutely Heavenly, and yes I have been there enough times to try everything on the menu. No joke, the most excellent coffee in Houston and dare I say it, the world, is found at Catalina Coffee. So if you live in the Houston area, or you're here visiting friends + fam, and you need a fantastic place to go, make it Catalina. The atmosphere is chill, and you will not be disappointed.
and remember: if you’re not shaking, you need another cup.