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Characteristics Of Great Leaders

Characteristics Of Great Leaders

The majority of people claim to possess the characteristics of a great leader. In reality, only a small percentage of the world's population has precisely what it takes to be a great leader. We need both leaders with integrity and loyal people to follow through on a vision to thrive in society.


Psalm 78:56-72

Great leaders have integrity. They can rejoice in silence when things go according to plan, and they can admit openly admit when things go south, and there is a need for redirection. The characteristic of integrity is vital for a great leader; identifying there is a need for change is the first step in creating something great.

Fluid thought process

Acts 21: 1-26

Great leaders understand the majority of different personalities in the bunch. They possess the ability to switch their thinking to accommodate the majority of differences between individuals is imperative. It is easier for a person to believe in the realm of their own personality than to take a moment to step outside the box and consider how other people feel toward any concept or situation. A great leader truly considers others.

Sensitivity & Service

Acts 21:13

Great leaders need to be in tune with those around them. Communication is vital in order for the church body to operate like a well-oiled machine. When a person can take time to flow and empathize with others as well as help them move forward in situations, that is when a true leader can thrive.

Three Tips To Simplify Your Life

Three Tips To Simplify Your Life

You Glow Girl

You Glow Girl