Popular New Year's Resolutions & How To Stick With Them
The month of January is a time of positive change- a chance to reinvent yourself and hopefully the stepping stone toward a better lifestyle. Unfortunately, New Year's Eve Resolutions only last on average until about the second weekend of February. Here are the top four New Year's Resolutions and how to follow through with them in the years to come.
Getting your body moving a least one time a day is vital to a healthy lifestyle. If you could spend at least thirty minutes outside or exercising somehow, you will see tremendous results over time. So how do you begin, and how do you continue once you have started? A few pointers to get you moving:
Block off a specific amount of time you can dedicate to a morning workout.
Place your workout clothing somewhere you will immediately see it in the morning.
Prioritize exercising before work or heavy meal times.
When you block out specific times schedules, you emphasize that nothing else should occur during this time. No sleep, no hobbies, and no spontaneous events can have this time in your day. It is vital to get the blood and brain creativity flowing at the beginning of each morning. To consume the daily recommended amount of water (your weight number divided by two equals the amount of water in ounces you should consume each day), do not feel pressured to buy gallon-sized tumblers or massive liter bottles. You can refill a regular-size water bottle throughout the day. Allow yourself thirty minutes to tackle a bottle from start to finish. A significant way to ensure there is no procrastination is to keep the bottle of water in your hand for an entire thirty minutes if possible. It triggers the brain to understand that consumption is a priority, and you won't be free to do other things until this task is complete.
A Gallon A Day
Make Your Bed Every Morning
Completing the first and most simple task every morning is beneficial in many ways. It helps to declutter your space, and it gets the ball rolling on the other tasks needed to complete the day (like exercising and drinking water). One tip to ensure you make your bed first thing in the morning is when you stand up for the first time of the day, keep a hold of the corner of your comforter. That way, it is simple to turn around finish the task. You will also have the added benefit of coming home to a clean and organized room at the end of an unpredictable day.
Get Organized
Amazon is quickly becoming the leading way to organize a cluttered home, office space, or vehicle. Rachel Meaders is one of our go-to girls for organization and simple life hack tools you never knew you needed. Also, check out our Spring Cleaning Tips for more extensive and more detailed room-to-room organization suggestions. Organizing means you prioritize a safe and clean environment. If that is not a skill you have mastered yet, dedicate a few minutes towards one small task like throwing away the trash in your vehicle. The momentum will pick up, and the desire to organize other cluttered places will grow. Never forget the bonus of having a clean new space to rejuvenate your mind and spark creativity!
Spend Less Money and Save More Money
A huge concept of saving money is to keep in mind you earned it. You work hard for your income, and you should not spend it on a whim. Financial decisions should be thought out, and money should be spent intentionally. That twenty percent of your income devoted to your hobbies or habits should be in the form of cash. Physically taking out cash and watching it become exchanged triggers the brain to help slow down your spending. Save any change you receive in the form of coins in a jar or bank around your house. This also keeps you organized, and the money you save could be of good use at a later time.
Changing your life for the better comes from a mere willingness. Two underlining concepts to understand when it comes to resolutions: 1. You make time for what you want to make time for. If it is an important priority and you want to see results, you will make sure it happens on a continual basis. 2. No amount of motivational tips can actually get you out there living your best life. Resolutions begin and last with a desire that is put into action.