
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Committed To Quitting

Committed To Quitting

The Baby Boomer Generation (1946-1964) is by far the most obvious generation to spot. This is the group of people I secretly mentally claim. The oatmeal eating, analog clock reading, in bed by 8:00 pm type lifestyle is where I thrive. These slow-paced people with massive fonts on screens have the same undertone of having an incredible work ethic. Our grandparents and parents are the last generations to retire from an early chosen career. We are inspired and astonished at the celebration of 50th and 60th wedding anniversaries. When it comes to the grind and doing what it takes to provide for future generations, no one hustled harder than the boomers.

Today’s generation is a slightly different narrative. I include myself when I say the later generations have commitment issues. Commitments to careers, marriages, and churches are all predicated by the “if it feels good, it must be right” mentally. That concept should not be the driving force when it comes to those areas of life. Church-hopping due to offense is prominent, and it is now being labeled as church hurt. Offenses alone do not constitute an uprooting and removal from the church. We are rapidly being conditioned to accept the new-age hypersensitive mentality, and it is eroding our Biblical opportunity for spiritual growth. Divorce rates (in and out of the church) are at an all-time high; a recent attorney study has proven that the average marriage is only lasting 7.9 years. Every thirteen seconds, a couple in the US is signing divorce papers.

A truly healthy lifestyle does not feel good. Donuts will always trump broccoli in the physical realm, and couch surfing will always be a higher priority than CrossFit. Waking your flesh up in the morning + dying daily does not feel good. Fasting delicious meals and social media is challenging. We all have character flaws and social hangups that, unfortunately, operate in favor of our fleshly desires. Absolutely no human being is perfect; we strive to do the best we can when it comes to our spiritual life. Though the journey may seem difficult, we must acknowledge this spiritual race as a marathon, not a sprint. Beautiful things worth having take time (and they are definitely worth it). Psalm 119:105 lets us know that thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Could you imagine if The Lord illuminated everything you were destined to go through in life? I would have declined the option to go through with it! He guides us with small intentional, dimly lit steps toward who we are supposed to be in Him. Committing to The Lord and His Word may seem straining, stressful, and almost impossible at times, but if we run this race with patience, His Word guarantees a reward, unlike anything we could fathom.

Spaghetti Squash Bake

Spaghetti Squash Bake

Self Help Tips Every Girl Should Know

Self Help Tips Every Girl Should Know