The Sixty Second Rule
Hey, did you know that the most vital step in an effective skincare routine is the length of time you wash your face? If you are anything like me, you study for skin, and you research the type of ingredients you need. That is perfectly fine, even encouraged, but in reality, the amount of time you spend cleansing your face makes all the difference. Cleanser should be one of the first steps in your routine. It is the only step where the product is washed off. So, in order for it wot work effectively, try to incorporate the following steps for this sixty-second rule.
Step one:
Get your phone and listen to your all-time favorite song. Stop exactly at the one-minute mark, and do not forget where it is.
Step two:
Grab your cleanser and place and an adequate amount into your hands. If you need a fantastic skincare cleanser, proven to be sufficient for all skin types, check out the Fleur De Néroli Charcoal Wash by French Girl Organics.
The cleanser for every skin type.
Step three:
Thoroughly cleanse your entire face for one full minute. Include your hairline, decolletage, and the back of the neck for sixty seconds.
Step four:
Rinse off cleanser and continue your routine.
The sixty-second rule benefits every single skin type. It is ensuring a thorough cleanse that penetrates deeper than the top layer of skin. Sixty seconds is also the perfect amount of time to give every area of your face, the proper attention it needs. This process should be relaxing as you focus on your pores, forehead, chin, cheeks, and neck. After seven days, you should be able to see the texture of your skin begin to feel smoother, and breakouts will start to clear up. Happy cleansing!