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Take A Detox Bath

Take A Detox Bath

The air you breathe, the food you eat, and the places you go, all have the ability to pollute our bodies. Toxins are everywhere you turn. The smallest things can negatively influence your body and literally, weigh you down. You should do a body detox at least twice a year. Every six months you should purge the toxins in your body. A detox tea or a green juice cleanse can help you flush the insides. A detox bath will help you detoxify from the inside out. Sweating is the body's natural way of detoxifying. A hot bath can draw impurities out from the skin. Detox baths are great for relieving pain in sore muscles and promoting overall health. This can all be done in the privacy of your own home.

Step 1: Set aside time

A proper detox bath will take up the majority of your evening. You will need about 30 minutes of preparation and 20-40 minutes of actual detox bathing. So do not plan a detox bath on a busy night, and try to eat as light as possible on the day you plan to rejuvenate.

Step 2: Prepare your body

A detox bath can seriously dehydrate you, so it is crucial to replenish the fluids you are losing. Drink at least one glass of room temperature water 30 minutes before your bath.

Step 3: Ingredients:

- Skin (shower) brush

- 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar

- 2 cups of Epsom salt

- 2 cups of baking soda

- 1/4 cup of sea salt

- 1 tbsp ground ginger (optional)

- 20 drops of aromatherapy oils (your scent choice if desired)

Note: If you plan on adding aromatherapy oils to your detox bath, add the oils to the salt. Oil + water do not mix so the oils will have no benefit. Adding the oils to the salt will disperse the oils to the water evenly.

Step 4: Dry brush

Dry brushing is a pre-shower procedure that helps you shed dead skin cells. The process of dry brushing speeds up your lymphatic system, for a faster waste elimination process. Dry brushing should not be painful; you should be lightly dusting off, chemicals and bacteria. Start with your feet and gently brush upward one leg at a time. Move in sweeping motions toward your heart on your midsection and your back and across your chest. Finally, start at your fingers and brush toward your armpits. This process removes excess dirt and helps break up the toxins underneath the skin for better elimination.

Step 5: Prepare yourself

A detox bath can make you exhibit flu-like symptoms like nausea and headaches. This is a result of the toxins you've been carrying for so long exiting the body. Immediately before you begin/while you are in the tub, have another glass of room temperature water, this time add lemon in case of nausea.

Step 6: Detox

Fill your bathtub with the hottest water you can handle. Add your ingredients (starting with baking soda) and swish the water around while the tub is filling up, bubbling will occur. Step in + relax for 20-40 minutes. You will begin to sweat during this time, that is natural. Your body is expelling the toxins, which is exactly what you want. Breathe and try to let go of stress, the more relaxed you are, that more you will benefit from this detox. After your 20-40 minute period is over, slowly get out of the tub. Your body has been contracting muscles to release toxins so you may feel weak or drained. Oils and salts may create a slick surface as well so take your time and don't feel the need to get dressed immediately. You may continue to sweat for some time. Rehydrate your body with a third glass of room temperature water.

Step 7: Rinse

Once you feel able to move around again (the detox process might take longer for some), hop in the shower. Using a brush, loofah, or washcloth, cleanse your body just like the dry brushing procedure only with soap + water. Create the same sweeping motions towards your heart. Thoroughly cleanse off and salt or residue, dry, and follow up with a natural moisturizer such as organic coconut oil.

A detox bath may seem like a complicated activity, but the rewards are amazing! If you are an athlete or you suffer from daily aches and pains, this sauna-like detox bath is imperative. It's natural, and it should be done once a month. Try not to eat immediately after a detox bath. Wait at least 30 minutes and have something light to eat. Take this time to really relax. Don't just purge your body, purify your thoughts and any negativity you have encountered. You will be refreshed and it will deliver an overall sense of clarity.

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