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Ten Tips For The Willing Vessel

Ten Tips For The Willing Vessel

Whether you acknowledge it or not, everything you do reflects your relationship with The Lord. Where you go, the people you associate yourself with, even the clothes you wear all make a lasting impression on those around you. You have the ability to influence people without speaking a single word. Since we are blessed with the opportunity to speak to others and deliver the Good News, it is vital that we are intentional + willing to be used. I have formulated a list compiled of ten tips for someone who wants to be a willing vessel for The Lord.

1. Passionately Rely On The Lord

Psalm 37:32-40

The Lord is a constant, steady undercurrent. It is our job as His creations to stir up His presence where ever we go. It does not matter if you are at the corner store or your church building, The Lord is omnipresent, He is there. If you want to feel Him, you have to open up your heart to receive Him. Rely on Him for your every need. Nothing is out of His reach. Reach for Him each day with intensity.

2. Seek Peace

Mathew 5:9

Does anyone enjoy dysfunction + chaos? Sadly enough the answer is yes. Some people thrive in a dramatic environment of discord. That kind of atmosphere is not conducive to the body of Christ. Isn't it frustrating when you have aches and pains in your own personal body, because you are trying to overcome sickness? The body of Christ should be dealt with the same amount of care. Lifting each other up is the only way to thrive.

3. Do Not Judge

Luke 6:37-7:10

The Bible is explicit when it comes to acknowledging the faults of others. Verse 41 in New International Version says, "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? (V.42) How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye." So at first glance, we can already gather the thought: as long as you are comparing yourself to others, they will always be doing better than you. Look at the size difference alone. A speck of sawdust and a plank of wood are incredibly different sizes! Pay attention to your own faults and weaknesses; put on you spiritual blinders and work on bettering yourself.

4. Forgive

Luke 6:37

Forgiveness is a simple concept; many try to complicate! Every single person makes mistakes, and if you want to be forgiven, forgive others, even if they're not sorry. Forgiveness brings healing properties for the spiritual man to be made whole and move on. As children of The Lord, we should want that for ourselves and those around us.

5. Put Others First

Luke 6:38

Generosity should be at the forefront of every Christian's mind. Showing the love of The Lord through deeds + actions is imperative if we say we represent Him. Luke 6:38 NIV, "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Isn't it always nice to receive more than what you gave? When you put others first, believe it or not, you are investing in yourself. You are taking the time to cultivate relationships with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Leading others to salvation will never go unnoticed.

6. Strive For Spiritual Perfection

If you do not have a list for your top five influencers, create one. There is nothing wrong with having admirers in the faith. You have to decide in your mind how you are going to be a product of all five of these people combined. If you enjoy someone's bold worship adapt that mindset and enter the church building with Thanksgiving. If someone's morning devotion routine astounds you, set your alarm an hour earlier. Find a way to encompass all of the qualities you admire to better yourself in The Lord.

7. Guard Your Heart

Luke 6:45

If your heart is full of negativity, you are going to spew negativity. Whatever you dwell on in the spiritual is what you will manifest in the natural. If you want to be a willing vessel you have to be a place where The Lord can dwell. If you're full of sin, hatred, and trash, that's no place for the King of Kings. Keep a glow of positivity around you. Reflect the love of The Lord and speak life.

8. Obey The Word

Luke 6:49

Hearing The Word is one thing, putting The Word into practice is entirely different. When you build a solid foundation, you are quite literally building yourself up in the spirit. Not in a boastful way, you are taking all of the new concepts and the fresh Word you are hearing and adding to yourself. Listening to The Word and not applying it will do you no good. Act on what you have heard and grow.

9. Submit

Luke 7:8

Submission is another challenging concept for some. The reality is authority does not belong to you. You are a creation, made to worship. You are authorized by The Lord to be a vessel. You are (or should be) led by His Spirit daily.

10. Finish Well

Numbers 22:21-23:26

In this passage in numbers, Balaam is the perfect example of a false prophet. So much so that here we see The Lord utilizes a speechless animal, a donkey, to communicate his wrongdoings to him. Can you imagine being so blinded by routine and so stuck in your own ways, an animal has to speak to get your attention? The thought alone seems beyond surreal. Do not lose sight at the ultimate prize of Heaven! We can get so bogged down by the weight of this world, that we can become distracted from our calling. So finish each day strong in The Lord and when you lay your head down at night, rest easy knowing you did all you can in Christ.

This blog post was inspired by the song Willing Vessel by Mark Yandris. This song has indeed become my prayer. I do not want to be just any vessel; I want to be a willing vessel for The Lord. I want to be intentionally chosen for a purpose that only I can fulfill. If you have not heard this incredible song, please let it change your life.

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