Capitalize On Working From Home
This extremely interesting time we are currently living in may be a blessing in disguise. The entire world is having a break from normalcy to slow down and take things day-by-day for our safety. Use this time to be productive, practice your craft, or do nothing at all, no judgment here! Although, if you are working from home, here are a few ways to make sure you do not fall behind on your career, hobby, or home responsibilities.
Create a routine
Wake up at the same time every morning to develop a sense of responsibility. Find an hour of the morning that works for you. Indulge in your skincare routine, change out of those pajamas and into comfortable clothes any boss babe would be proud to wear.
Wear all the hats
You are at home, and just like your 9:00-5:00 you are allowed a few breaks during the day! Guzzle your water, stretch, complete your laundry, or start a healthy crockpot meal for dinner. Looking for a yummy slow-cooker recipe, try one of ours!
Crockpot Shredded Chicken Tacos
Airplane mode
Eliminate outside distractions. Designate a home-office nook or study area. Leave nothing to focus on except you and your work. If you feel productive with calming music + candles, create an atmosphere of productivity
Indulge in the ultimate introvert's dream. You are not stuck at home; you are safe at home. At the conclusion of your workday, do not forget to move your body and get active. Practice physical hygiene and check on your friends with a phone call. Stay safe and create a sense of responsibility and community.