
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

A Praying Mother

A Praying Mother

Every mother is extraordinary. The God-given ability to create, sustain, and bring life into the world is marvelous. Each person on this planet came from a strong woman. A mother's love surpasses simple-minded mistakes and is always available to nurture no matter how many miles separate you two.


There is no greater honor on the planet than to have a praying mother. In the years of my early childhood, I could not even fall asleep until I heard prayers rising from the master bedroom closet in the evening. Before the days of Alexa and Hey, Google, I was lulled to sleep by my mother's roar down the hallway, and it felt like the ultimate protective layer on our home. Anyone who knows Lisa Ford can nod to the truth of this statement. When my mother said she was going to pray for you or a situation in your life, it was never a whisper. It was an intentional plea for The Lord's attention on your behalf. It was very likely you slept better that night as well! A minister was recently at our church, and during the altar call portion of the service, he screamed, "Pray intercessors! Pray Sis. Ford!" I internally chuckled and thought, ok yeah he's not talking about me, he's totally referring to my mother.


Every year it becomes more difficult to describe just how much I love my mother. It feels like all the great adjectives have been abused, and there are no new words that can adequately define the supreme level of my adoration. I can thumb through thesauruses all night long and still never be able to compile words that measure up to the feeling of inspiration I have.


Have you ever seen little children walk behind their parents? Primarily through the mud or in rain filled puddles. They try to jump and land in the exact same spot of the footprint left before them. That is the goal I'm striving for spiritually. Everywhere Lisa Ford has been in the spiritual realm is precisely where I want to go. I understand that we are all unique individuals with our own crafted paths, but my mother's steadfast fixation on The Lord is a constant reminder that no matter what happens in life, as long as I have my eyes on The Lord, the waves of hardship may come, but all is well.

Mean Green Juice

Mean Green Juice

Broccoli Rice

Broccoli Rice